
西藏之声: 流亡藏人女子荣获美国杰出学生奖学金

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Oct 17th 2013, 11:07, by gurbum@ch_editor

1710e2【西藏之声2013年10月17日报道】现居美国的流亡藏人女子巴桑旺姆荣获美国杰出学生奖学金(Student Rising Above),近日她在接受旧金山市KPIX电视台的采访时,对正遭受中共高压统治的西藏,表达了担忧。

流亡藏人女子巴桑旺姆是西藏康区甘孜人,在八岁那年途径西藏首都拉萨,越过喜马拉雅山流亡到印度,之后旅居到美国继续学业,今年6月份从美国加利福尼亚州湾区奥尔巴尼(Albany)高中毕业后,目前就读于乔治亚州埃默里大学(Emory University)牛津学院。而巴桑旺姆的家庭贫困,全家人仅靠她父亲努力劳作赚来的微薄收入来维生。

美国杰出学生奖学金(Student Rising Above)是一个帮助家庭贫困但成绩优秀学生的项目,该组织今年把奖学金授予来自美国各地的100名学生,巴桑旺姆就是其中的一名。

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西藏之声: 西藏妇女会举办培训会提高妇女法律知识

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Oct 17th 2013, 11:18, by gurbum@ch_editor

1017d1【西藏之声2013年10月17 日报道】总部设立于印度北部达兰萨拉的西藏妇女会于今天(10月17 日)在达兰萨拉附近的"诺布林卡西藏文化中心"集会大厅中,以"提高流亡藏人妇女法律知识"为主题,展开了一场为期两天的培训会。

诺布林卡附近各尼姑寺与藏人学校的30 多名代表参加了培训会。主办方西藏妇女会会长扎西卓玛在致词时介绍了此次培训会的主要目的,她说,(录音)此次由西藏妇女会举办的、为期两天的培训会,将向藏人妇女们介绍印度法律中有关保护妇女的条款,以及国际上对人权保护方面的各种法规等等。


据了解,西藏妇女会为了提高流亡社区妇女们的法律知识和各项工作能力,举办过多次此类的培训活动。 "提高流亡藏人妇女法律知识"的培训会, 就已在印度各地的流亡藏人社区中,举行过15次。

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西藏之声: 无国界记者:中共打压爆料藏人封闭西藏

西藏之声 voice of tibet in chinese language 
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Oct 17th 2013, 11:23, by gurbum@ch_editor




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西藏之声: 西藏比如县妇女格桑遭中共拘捕

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Oct 17th 2013, 11:24, by gurbum@ch_editor






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西藏之声: 达赖喇嘛圆满结束墨西哥参访及弘法行程

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Oct 17th 2013, 11:27, by gurbum@ch_editor


藏人行政中央南美洲事务联络官次旺朋措,通过电话向本台介绍了尊者16日的活动情况。(录音)次旺朋措表示,16日上午,达赖喇嘛尊者在萨卡特卡斯市的安提戈教堂中(音译Antiguo Templo de San Agustina)、参加了一场跨宗教对话活动。萨卡特卡斯州主教诺列加(Monsenor Sigifredo Noriega Barcelo)就天主教的教义方面,进行了大概的阐释后,达赖喇嘛尊者发言强调了通过世俗道德伦理,来帮助所有人获得快乐幸福的重要性。接下来,尊者在教堂中接受了当体各大媒体的采访。



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西藏之声: 星期四 17/10/2013

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星期四 17/10/2013
Oct 17th 2013, 11:29, by gurbum@ch_editor


作为一个独立的广播电台,西藏之声电台于1995年在挪威首府奥斯陆正式合法入册,并于 1996 年5月14日由 "挪威人权组织"、"挪威西藏协会"和"世界观权力组织"三个挪威非政府组织正式建立。

西藏之声基金会由挪威非政府组织"挪威西藏协会"、"挪威人权组织"、"世界观权力组织"、"西藏之声"以及"藏人行政中央"等五位代表所组成。基金会成员每两个月召开一次会议。此项目由支持者组织和个人捐款所资助,为了近一步发展和继续这一项目,我们需要您的支持。如果您想资助西藏之声广播电台,请您使用下面链接提供的Paypal 账号:

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看不见的西藏~唯色: 我的新书《Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world》,今天在法国发行

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thumbnail 我的新书《Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world》,今天在法国发行
Oct 17th 2013, 08:56, by Tsering Woeser


始于今年四月的这本书——《Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world》http://www.indigene-editions.fr/ceux-qui-marchent-contre-le-vent/immolations-au-tibet-la-honte-du-monde.html(我起的书名是《西藏火凤凰》Tibetan Phoenix),实际上心力交瘁地写作了两个月,虽然才两万多字。

在巴黎的出版社Indigène éditions关注藏人自焚,尤其关注如此众多的藏人自焚而世界却沉默的状况,希望通过我的文字向世界发声。

而这个出版社曾出版过《世界人权宣言》起草者之一、法国伟大的人权卫士、著名的社会活动家斯蒂凡纳·埃塞尔(Stéphane Hessel)先生著述的小册子《愤怒吧!》(Indignez-vous!) ,畅销全球,被译成35种文字包括中文。





还要感谢的是,为我的这有关藏人自焚的新书撰写序言的Robert Badinter(罗贝尔·巴丹戴尔)先生,据维基百科介绍,他是法国律师、教授、随笔作家以及法国的政治家。事实上,他被称为法兰西"废除死刑之父"。


« Voici un livre dense et tragique », écrit dans sa préface Robert Badinter. Il poursuit : « Ce que les flammes qui les brûlent proclament, c'est qu'ils ne peuvent plus supporter l'agression commise contre leur peuple, l'éradication de ses coutumes et de sa langue, le génocide culturel auxquels, dans le lâche silence des États, les autorités chinoises se livrent au Tibet. »

我还要感谢友人、创办High Peaks Pure Earth(高峰净土)网站(持续将我的博客文章译为英文)的Dechen Pemba,她一直在为我和巴黎的出版社之间承担不可替代的联系,并为我发来了这本新书的照片。

需要说明的是,上个月在台湾,我编著的《自焚藏人档案》由雪域出版社出版。但这本中文书与今天在法国发行的法文书《Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world》不同。中文书是一本20多万字的记录之书,并收录有近两百幅照片,主要是对每一位自焚藏人生平的记录、回忆,及中共当局的相关政策的转载,等等。

而法文书《Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world》的意义在于竭力的解释、沉痛的分析和直率的批评。这是章节目录:





By Marianne Barriaux (AFP)

Paris — A blogger, a taxi driver, a Communist Party official and a Buddhist monk. All of them Tibetan, and all of them driven to the desperate step of setting themselves on fire in protest at Chinese rule.

These and dozens of others are the subject of a new booklet written by Tsering Woeser, a famous Tibetan poet, essayist and fierce critic of the Chinese government's rule over the sprawling Himalayan region.
"Immolations in Tibet: The shame of the world" -- which so far is only being published in French and will be released in Paris on Thursday -- is illustrated by Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei.

In it, Woeser -- who lives under surveillance in Beijing but has an extensive network of contacts in Tibetan areas -- tries to get to the root of why at least 120 Tibetans have set themselves alight in recent years, most in China but some outside the country. Many, but not all, have died.

"Hunger strikes are a method of protest universally accepted and respected, whilst self-immolation is often ignored, because such suffering goes beyond the limits of what most people can conceive, even in their imagination," she writes.

"Self-immolation is the most hard-hitting thing that these isolated protesters can do while still respecting principles of non-violence."

The first recorded self-immolation in China was in February 2009, but Tibetan areas have seen an explosion in this violent form of protest since March 2011 when a monk set himself on fire at the revered Kirti monastery and died, sparking riots.

Beijing has always strongly condemned the acts and blames them on exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama, saying he uses them to further a separatist agenda. It maintains that Chinese rule has brought development and riches to the plateau.

But Tibetans say the self-immolations are a response to increasing curbs on their religious and political freedoms, particularly since deadly 2008 riots in the Tibetan capital Lhasa that spread to neighbouring areas.

In the booklet, Woeser describes Tibetan regions as a "giant prison criss-crossed with armed soldiers and armoured vehicles".

The reasons behind the protests, she adds, are diverse -- authorities arresting people for watching videos of the Dalai Lama's teachings, nomads forced off their pasture land to make way for mines and dams, surveillance cameras in monasteries, and many more.

"They think we're scared of military repression, they're wrong" said Tenzin Phuntsok, one of the victims whose last words were cited in the booklet.

And while monks and nuns were the first to set themselves on fire, a growing number of laypeople have started using this desperate, last-ditch form of protest.

She cites "two schoolgirls, three students, three workers, four retailers, one carpenter, a blogger, a tangka (traditional Tibetan painting) artist, a taxi driver, a retired Communist Party official."
One 25-year-old farmer called Wangchen Norbu, Woeser says, went specifically to a photo studio to have his picture taken before he self-immolated.

Woeser, whose father was an army officer from China's majority Han ethnic group and whose mother was a Tibetan Communist official, is widely known among Tibetans for her blog -- translated into English on www.highpeakspureearth.com -- as well as poems and essays.

As a result, she is under intense police scrutiny but unlike some other activists has so far avoided arrest and is still relatively free to move around the country.

But Woeser, who is in her late 40s, admits that a booklet published abroad could get her into trouble with Chinese authorities.

"For a long time, I have felt like I'm at the edge of a precipice, and I could fall at any time," she told AFP by email from her hometown of Lhasa, where she has been staying since June.

"And writing this kind of book... is definitely dangerous. But I don't yet know how dangerous."

"I'm closely watched every day, 24 hours a day," she added, pointing out that three to four cars full of plainclothes policemen are parked in front of her compound daily, a camera sits on her flat's roof, and security officers follow her every steps.

"As for when I'm in Beijing, just this year I've been put under house arrest three times, which put together lasted more than a month."

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西藏之頁: 西藏比如縣一位婦女被失踪

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Oct 17th 2013, 05:30, by ChinaDesk




 當局指控,在格桑的手機中私下收藏達賴喇嘛尊者法相和被政府限制的藏歌,以及在微信(we chat )族群中發表非法言論等罪名而遭逮捕。



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